1. Cold War encounters in US-occupied Okinawa :
Author: Mire Koikari (University of Hawaii at Manoa).
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Cold War.,Militarism-- Pacific Area-- History-- 20th century.,Women-- Japan-- Okinawa Island-- History-- 20th century.,Japan, Relations, United States, History, 20th century.,United States, Relations, Japan, History, 20th century., 0, 0

2. Cold War encounters in US-occupied Okinawa : women, militarized domesticity and transnationalism in East Asia
Author: Mire Koikari
Library: (Library of Islamic Studies For Women and Family (Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Cold War ***** Militarism > Pacific Area > History > 20th century ***** Women > Japan > Okinawa Island > History > 20th century ***** United States > Relations > Japan > History > 20th century ***** Japan > Relations > United States > History > 20th century *****

3. Pedagogy of democracy :
Author: Mire Koikari.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Cold War.,Feminist theory.,Postcolonialism.,Women-- Japan-- Social conditions.,Women-- Violence against-- Japan-- History.,Diplomatic relations.,Feminist theory.,Postcolonialism.,SOCIAL SCIENCE-- General.,SOCIAL SCIENCE-- Women's Studies.,Women-- Social conditions.,Women-- Violence against.,Japan, Foreign relations, United States.,Japan, History, Allied occupation, 1945-1952.,United States, Foreign relations, Japan.,Japan.,United States., 0, 0, 0, 7, 7
Classification :

4. Pedagogy of democracy : feminism and the Cold War in the U.S. occupation of Japan
Author: Mire Koikari
Library: (Library of Islamic Studies For Women and Family (Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Feminist theory ***** Women > Japan > Social conditions ***** Postcolonialism ***** Cold War ***** Japan > Foreign relations > United States ***** United States > Foreign relations > Japan ***** Women > Violence against > Japan > History ***** Japan > History > Allied occupation, 1945-1952 *****